A missing jewel for building energy conservation & decarbonization

Written by Tim Cresswell, CEO, Thomas Cole Inc.

Congratulations to all the top performing energy conservation Colleges this year, not only reducing energy consumption but also reducing carbon emissions. As you strive to reduce energy and carbon even further Ventilation Repair, Seal and Optimization (VeRSO) is an opportunity to consider.

“All ventilation air ducts leak between 15-25% as identified by ASHRAE, translation, 10-13 % energy waste, 20-30% additional GHG”, says Tim Cresswell, CEO, Thomas Cole Inc. 

Today the Nerva Energy Group has factual evidence from recent College and University projects in Ontario. Current portfolio measured results.

  • Investment cost payback 4-6.5 years (represents 10-13% of your current annual energy budget)

  • On average 25% air duct leakage

  • Avoided GHG reduction 25-35% 

By reducing GHG between 25% -35% there is future capital cost avoidance when converting to a green energy plant 1.5 X the initial investment cost. By passing ventilation air leakage means higher capital cost to convert to green energy plant.

Nerva Energy Group would be pleased to provide a high level Ventilation Repair, Seal and Optimization (VeRSO) air loss assessment at NO cost.


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