Cleaner Air for Healthcare

Providing an advisory role for safe, sustainable spaces for patients, doctors and staff.

Air ventilation systems are critical to providing occupants with high quality filtered air and comfort. Unfortunately, it is proven that all systems leak air through the air ducts, on average between 10-25%.

Air duct leakage leads to improperly ventilated spaces affecting health, comfort and infrastructure life span, while also wasting energy and creating carbon waste.

  • Key Benefits

    The initiative prioritizes affordability with a projected payback period of 3-6 years. It advocates for a cost-effective air handling replacement program and the right-sizing of a green plant for future decarbonization, aiming to minimize capital costs. The environmental focus centers on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while a primary goal is creating an optimal healthcare environment by minimizing cross-contamination. Safety and effectiveness are assured through UL certification and adherence to health and safety accreditations. The initiative also aligns with the CSA standard (Z317.2:19) for Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Systems in Healthcare Facilities to ensure compliance.

  • Available Incentives

    Both Enbridge and the IESO are offering incentives to cover up to 10-30% of total project costs. Details available upon request.

    OECM's Commercial Ductwork Sealing and Related Services agreements provide access to a range of ductwork sealing and related services suitable for various buildings including healthcare facilities, schools, colleges, universities, municipal buildings, and more.

  • Outcomes

    The proposed measures aim to achieve a high standard of efficiency and sustainability. With a resultant leakage rate of up to 1% in accordance with Passive House standards, the initiative focuses on minimizing energy costs. A notable reduction of 12-15% in the total energy budget is anticipated, providing significant capital cost avoidance in the replacement of air handling systems. Additionally, the initiative targets a substantial decrease in greenhouse gas emissions by 18-30%, thereby offering significant capital cost avoidance in the transition to a new green plant through decarbonization and electrification efforts. To ensure regulatory compliance, the initiative aligns with the CSA standard Z317.2:19, reinforcing its commitment to industry standards.

Ventilation Repair, Seal & Optimization Program

Ventilation represents 50-65% of your total energy spent to heat and cool facilities. The unknown fact is that all buildings, new or old, lose 20-35% of their ventilation thorough leaks in the ductwork infrastructure.

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