How can we as Canadians celebrate Canada Day from a sustainability perspective?

Written by Marie Cresswell, President, Thomas Cole Inc.

As Canadians we are blessed with rich, abundant natural resources like clean water, luscious green forests and beautiful pristine landscapes, attracting a diverse range of inhabitants.  As we celebrate Canada Day this year let's remember to do it sustainably not only today but every day.  

1. Host an eco-friendly BBQ: Choose locally sourced and organic food options, use reusable plates and cutlery, and opt for a propane or natural gas BBQ instead of charcoal, which produces more emissions. 

2. Use sustainable decorations: Instead of single-use plastic decorations, go for biodegradable or reusable options like paper or fabric banners and flags. Consider using solar-powered lights for evening festivities. 

3. Reduce waste: Encourage guests to bring their own reusable water bottles and provide recycling and compost bins to minimize waste. Avoid the use of disposable items like straws and plastic cups. 

4. Choose sustainable transportation: Encourage carpooling or public transportation for guests to reduce carbon emissions. If possible, organize a bike parade or walking event to celebrate Canada Day. 

5. Support local businesses: Purchase Canadian-made products and support local artisans when buying decorations, food, and gifts. This helps reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation.

6. Engage in nature activities: Celebrate Canada's natural beauty by organizing outdoor activities like hiking, nature walks, or beach cleanups. This fosters a connection with the environment and promotes sustainability. 

7. Educate and raise awareness: Use Canada Day as an opportunity to educate others about sustainability and the importance of taking care of our environment. Share information about green initiatives and encourage others to make sustainable choices. Remember, small actions can make a big difference in promoting sustainability during Canada Day celebrations. Have a happy and eco-friendly Canada Day!!!

Marie Cresswell


Thomas Cole Inc.


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