June 2024 - Net Zero Times

Net Zero Times provides valuable information and perspectives to public and private sector building operators and c-suite interested in climate action and sustainability.

We cover a wide range of topics related to climate change, renewable energy, evolving clean technologies, policy developments, corporate initiatives, and innovative solutions aimed at achieving net-zero emissions. We aim to keep readers informed about the latest tech trends, financial and risk mitigation strategies and other advancements in the journey towards a circular economy.

There are a few important dates this month worth noting: June 5th is World Environment Day and Clean Air Day, June 8th is World Ocean's Day. June is also National Indigenous History Month.

Check out our decarbonization features: "Climate Change 1.0 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Roadmap to Decarbonization" and "The Future of Energy Efficiency in Canada".

With the warmer weather upon us let us be mindful of managing our resources responsibly. We are always looking for fresh ideas to share with our readers about changing behaviours, new technology to reduce greenhouse gas as well as lessons learned on the path to net zero.


July 2024 - Net Zero Times


May 2024 - Net Zero Times