April 2024 - Net Zero Times

Net Zero Times provides valuable information and perspectives to public and private sector building operators and c-suite interested in climate action and sustainability. As a collective we see Earth Day as every day and we hope that more and more of readers feel the same.

We cover a wide range of topics related to climate change, renewable energy, evolving clean technologies, policy developments, corporate initiatives, and innovative solutions aimed at achieving net-zero emissions. We aim to keep readers informed about the latest tech, trends, financial and risk mitigation strategies and advancements in the journey towards a circular economy.

Noteworthy: Sustainable Building Design Feature an interview with Mark Wilhelm, Director, Climate and Clean Energy with Tierra Resource Consultants, LLC and Thinking Differently about Energy and GHG measures as Financial Assets.

Check out this month’s issue of Net Zero Times for more information and tips. Drop us a note if you wish to feature an article at mcresswell@thomascoleinc.com.

How will you celebrate Earth Day?

What can you do different today to make lasting change?

Planet vs Plastics Global Earth Day Video


May 2024 - Net Zero Times


March 2024 - Net Zero Times